Little things make me smile

Without a doubt, gratitude is one of the most important traits we can nurture to increase happiness. IMG_0110

We can only experience true happiness if we really notice and absorb the beauty and joy of the little things that make a difference to our lives each day.

Today I am grateful for

  • The love and loyalty of my little dog Gracie who makes me smile every day.
  • The happy phone calls I have been having with my son Chris that are slowly helping to rebuild our once estranged relationship.
  • The enjoyment I get from perusing blogs and reading all the posts depicting everyday situations and emotions that I relate to.
  • The follows, friendship, advice and comments I receive from other bloggers

15 thoughts on “Little things make me smile

  1. Jenna,
    I love this! Sometimes it is just the little things that make us smile, but I think that’s the best part of it all! It doesn’t have to be a big thing, so we should always be able to find “something” in every day to make us smile 🙂 🙂
    And one of the things that made me smile today, was reading your post, and having you join me on my journey! I consider it a real honor, and I’m glad you decided to follow along!
    I hope you have a wonderful week-end! Keep looking for things to make you smile 🙂


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