Lost in the wilderness

Have you ever had an idea you desperately want to write about but the words refuse to flow? For a year I’ve tried to write a short story but all I have to show is countless discarded drafts.

To stimulate ideas for expression of my short story I’ve explored different writing genres including poetry, narrative and creative writing.

Reader feedback from my poetry writing attempts tells me my style is too obscure because my intended meaning is usually missed or misinterpreted.

My dabble in creative writing wasn’t much better than poetry and produced lots of chunky paragraphs containing over exaggerated description. When I read my creative writing it reminds me of someone trying to use superfluous words to appear more intelligent.

This led me to narrative style that better suits how I want to write, with characters and a plot woven into a story with a beginning, middle and end.

Recently my interest has peaked in folk tales because they appeal to my simple nature. Traditional folk tales use unsophisticated language and have a moral lesson as the underlying purpose of the story.

Usually folk tales have animals acting like humans, a problem and a virtuous message.  The setting is often in the wilderness, as the woods represent a source of mystery, danger and excitement.

“Writing original fables is a good way to use creative writing to develop critical thinking about ethical issues, consequently building moral reasoning within children”.

So what seems like a lovely simple form of expression is presenting more difficult than I thought. I’m not sure my story lends itself to animal characters nor the wilderness but let me mull it over for a while and I’ll come up with a new draft.

Somehow I will write this short story before I die, I promise.

32 thoughts on “Lost in the wilderness

  1. Just a suggestion Jenna, how about devoting some time to writing without giving it any thought, just let your mind wander and the pen flow (or fingers skittle across the keyboard!) and read it later? You might find that you are over-thinking your writing. Don’t even consider that anyone other than yourself will ever read what you write in this way and see what you come up with. I would consider this as being “writing from the heart”, and you may be surprised to discover that this style works for you.


    1. Thank you for your wonderful response Joanne, I appreciate it very much. You have make some excellent points that I will consider when I next try to write my short story. Love to you from Jenna ♡♡♡


  2. My experience so far has been similar to yours. Most times I think its just not good enough (my perfectionism). Lately when I’ve been stuck I open the book “The Right to Write” by Julia Cameron. It always relaxes my thoughts about writing 😉


  3. Also remember that it is not important to have it perfect first time around. I once saw a comment by a very famous 81-yr.old author who had just rewritten one of his great sellers and his comment was that he could probably have revised it again and again, finding new and different ways to put things. It made me realize that the process never ends, nor is it supposed to. It helped me relax around my writing and let it be what it is in the moment and perhaps it will be different in the future, but right now this is what is flowing out as a divine expression. Lastly, even though I want to be understood as I write things, I cannot control how someone perceives it. ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Judgment is more about the person judging, their POV, which is out of my control. Letting my expression stand for itself, out there as a part of me. It has done its job, which is the process of getting it out of my head/heart and onto paper. Blessings!


    1. Thank you for your eloquent and considered response Eliza, I appreciate it very much. You have made some excellent points that make a lot of sense to me. I am humbled to have the benefit of your caring nature and gentle wisdom. Love to you from Jenna ♡♡♡


    1. Thanks for your honesty Carol, we are probably all experimenting. The only time I feel comfortable writing is when I write conversationally like I do when I write my blog posts. Love Jenna


  4. Don’t get discouraged it is the way our creative spirits work at times…some times I just have to get into the “flow” and sometimes I have to wander in a different direction,and I may wander for days, weeks, months and sometimes a year until I eventually return full-circle with a fresh spirit….hope this makes sense:-) I know what I want to say, but maybe I need to wander:-)lol..I am not a writer, but in other art forms I have found it to be the case for me:-)


  5. I have so been there. What I’ve found works for me is to create an image of what I want to say in my mind. Complete quiet is required. Touch-typing is preferable, so that I can keep my eyes closed as I relate picture to page. Think about how the picture makes me feel… and type.
    Best of luck with it. I look forward to reading it one day. 🙂


  6. Maybe try 3rd person. How would a narrator tell the story? Point of view can change the perspective but not the bones of what you want to tell.


  7. I am often at the stage where I want to tell a particular story but can’t seem to get it out. I usually have to let it percolate in the back of my brain for a while until it all comes rushing out. But that’s how I’ve always written; I even wrote my MA thesis that way – began research, organized, and wrote it over Spring Break.


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