The way to do is to be

Blogging has opened a part of my mind that I’d managed to squash down for some time. It  challenges me to think about some things I’d rather not think about.

For me writing blog posts is therapeutic and helps me greatly at the time of writing by encouraging exploration and expression of my feelings. It is like cleansing my soul.

I’ve discovered that it is quite easy to write or say words but the really difficult part is making meaningful changes in my mind, feelings or attitudes. The actions are a lot harder than the words.

Fairly regularly I re-read my past blog posts and ask myself if have I brought about the changes I promised to modify since writing the post.

The truth is that the answer is usually no, not really, I’m still trying.

But today I gave myself a break by gaining inspiration from ancient philosopher Lao Tzu through his words that tell me to trust myself and just be me.

Always we hope

Always we hope
someone else has the answer
some other place will be better,
some other time it will all turn out.

This is it.
No one else has the answer
no other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.
at the center of your being

You have the answer,
you know who you are
and you know what you want.

There is no need
to run outside
for better seeing.

Nor to peer from a window.

Rather abide at the center of your being;
for the more you leave it, the less you learn.

Search your heart
and see
the way to do
is to be.
        — Lao Tzu

22 thoughts on “The way to do is to be

  1. I came upon a faith issue at the end of last week… something I cannot myself answer from my faith.
    I don’t feel like posting anything but reading others is a help.
    In my case today, I feel that I do not know what the question is.
    Its temporary… maybe this may be over in minutes even.
    ~ Eric


  2. I think you are doing fabulously, my blog friend. maybe even one day, we’ll see you WITHOUT the cute doggie, hiding your face. You are learning so much, that’s how it goes, little by little, a step back, a step forward….you accept things the way they are…FOR NOW. and you will have to change accordingly, we have no control over that. don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m truly proud of you. Laurie


  3. Jenna Dee, your blog is fabulous. Thank you so much for liking one of my recent posts (my 3rd post ever !) as it has lead me to your blog and I think ‘it’ and ‘I’ will be hanging out a lot. I feel complete when I remember that there is no-thing more than this eternal moment and love reading it expressed by others as a reminder to myself.


    1. Hello Maddy and thank you for your comment on my post. Good luck with your blog. I hope it brings you the same level of happiness and friendship that I have been lucky enough to find by writing my blog. Love Jenna


    1. Thank you very much for your nomination and kind words about my blog. I am very grateful and honored that you thought of me but have decided not to take part in all the awards that are circulating around WordPress.
      I love reading your blog posts and look forward to reading your next one and keeping in touch. Love Jenna


    1. Hi Michele, thank you so very much for your nomination. I am honored that you thought of me but have decided not to take part in all the awards that are circulating around WordPress.
      I always love reading your blog posts and look forward to reading your next one and keeping in touch. Love Jenna


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